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About Us - Will Creation & Estate Planning in Colorado | Rocky Mountain Will™

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Legal Advice at the Speed of LifeTM from a Licensed Attorney – Right here in Colorado

About Rocky Mountain Will

Let me take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Michael L. Smith and I am a licensed attorney here in Colorado. I have helped literally hundreds of clients either create their estate plan or start their business. I created RockyMountainWill™.com to help busy people create basic estate planning documents to protect themselves and their families. As a husband, father, and attorney, I understand the various hurdles people face when creating their estate plan. Although many people know that having a Will is important, most never take that first step to create one. I believe that the “hurdles” of perceived cost, inefficiency in the processing of estate documents in traditional legal practices and fear of the unknown have led over 70% of American’s to put off creating their will for another day. RockyMountainWill.com was created to remove the hurdles and offer Coloradans a web based estate planning forum which provides free educational resources and professionally prepared legal documents in an efficient manner.

Prior to RockyMountainWill.com, Coloradans had to choose between the professional advice of a traditional law firm or the convenience of an online, but unlicensed, document preparation website. However, RockyMountainWill.com now provides a third alternative- an innovative online resource that combines professional legal advice with the speed and convenience of the web. We like to call it- Legal Advice at the Speed of Lifeâ„¢.

If you are like most people in the Centennial State, you are too busy with life to think about death or incapacity. However, without proper planning, decisions regarding your loved ones and your property will be placed in someone else’s hands. Our affordable online system is specifically designed to streamline the estate planning process for people on the go. We provide Simple Wills and Financial Durable Powers of Attorney for a reasonable flat fee throughout the state of Colorado. And contrary to document preparation services and software programs, each of our clients consult with a Licensed Colorado Attorney during this important process. We offer a convenient, economical, and efficient solution to your estate planning legal needs. Protect Your Family. Protect Yourself. Be Proactive™. Take that first step towards peace of mind today.

Michael L. Smith, Esq.

Founder, www.RockyMountainWill.com